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New Cold Day!

New Cold Day!

Today, at 7am this morning I got up and went straight to the bathroom as usual, except that today I noticed something different, the view of my of my living room window was white. It was ice snow everywhere. I stay for little while contemplating the snow outside when there's never snow in Houston TX. It was a very quite morning no car were passing by as usual. I went to the restroom, came back and went straight to the kitchen and got the coffee started.

It was very cold morning, I could feel it in my feet. I grab my coffee and took a sip and I kept in my hands to keep the smells that was coming from the cup.

I love the mornings, I don't know why. I always find them interesting. I feel that every morning is always an opportunity to move forward. Yes to move forward with whatever you have going on. In my case is always my dreams and goals I have.

The noise of the morning is always pleasurable, the sound of the birds and the wind can transport you to another place,with that feeling it gives me that opportunity to think I still have a chance to do what I was call to do , and strength to conquer another day.

After looking outside the window I went to my office, I still was in pijamas, and then I open the computer and I looked at my daily to do list. I felt It was a lot to do.. I had to start somewhere so I told my self is this really worth it Or is just me who wants to have a lot do to feel good with my self. I ignore those thoughts and kept reading the list, then I saw an inspirational note there, I meditated over it for few seconds and I answer my self with this saying; every you to that brings you happiness into your heart is always worth it. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as you love the path where you at that moment is worth, because that simple enjoyment of the day, is the fulfillment of your future tomorrow. So don't complaint and look at the morning and ask your self; Am I happy where I'm? If not you have the opportunity to change it.

Then minutes later I felt so much a live and ready to take the day with all I have.. Ready to make my path meaningful and I would enjoy every step of the way even if it hurts.

Take your mornings to think about what you doing in your life, meditate and whatever that makes you happy, go for it! Doesn't matter the obstacles or the circumstances, find the meaning in every step of the way and give it a purpose to be there.

And Enjoy the ride!

Alex Kano

PS, Thanks Again for taking the time to read this thoughts

PS. Forgive my miss spelling!

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